Being Bold In 2020 (Out With 2019)

While they might be right, they might, also, be wrong. So I would rather take a chance and be right than for nothing to happen. I no longer want to be ordinary with few dreams that stretch my boundaries and I hope that you don’t either.

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Puerto Rico ep. 5 (Citizen of The World): Exploring Luquillo

I think about people like the Carlos at El Jefe Burger Shack and admire them tremendously for their firm determination. They are still there living their lives, even after everything that they experienced. In spite of everything that they have experienced. It is in moments of transcending unthinkable odds that people are defined. They are able to discover what they’re made of, see what they can endure and identify how they can rise above.

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Hello World

With this mission statement, I am telling the world where I am today. I invite you to write your own mission statement, your definite chief aim, your manifesto because I suspect that you may never have taken the time to sit down and think about what you want and what you represent.

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